
Louth Town Council - Working with the community to make Louth a better place to live and work

Minutes of Planning Meeting 10th May 2022


ON TUESDAY 10th MAY 2022


Present                                                Councillor S. Crew (SC) (in the chair)


Councillors:       Mrs. E. Ballard (EB), J. Baskett (JB), M. Bellwood (MB), D. Ford (DF), D.J.E. Hall (DJEH),
D. Hobson (DH), G.E. Horton (GEH), M. Lamb (ML), A. Leonard (AL), Mrs. S.E. Locking (SEL), Mrs. J. Makinson-Sanders (JMS), B. O’Brien (BB), J. Simmons (JS), and Mrs. P.F. Watson (PFW).


Councillors not present: L. Cooney (LMC), H. Filer (HF), J. Garrett (JG), K. Norman (KN), F.W.P. Treanor (FWPT) and D.E. Wing (DEW).


The Town Clerk, Mrs. L.M. Phillips, the Town Clerk’s Assistant, Mrs. M.C. Vincent and two members of the public were also present.


Public Forum

A member of public spoke to the Council regarding a planning application for 1 Grosvenor Road, and how they felt strongly that this should not go ahead. They reported that originally a planning application for a house on the site had been refused but now the application was for a bungalow with an apex roof. They understood that it was going to be a separate dwelling but with garage doors and accommodation behind, which they thought was not in keeping and was garden grabbing. The windows to the build would also look out onto the side of their garage.


It was RESOLVED that Cllr. Mrs. SEL act as the Chairman’s assistant as the Vice Chairman was not present.


P85.         Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors: Cllrs. LMC, JG, KN, FWPT and DEW.


P86.         Declarations of Interest / Dispensations
The following declarations of interest were made:

a.      Cllr. Mrs. JMS – items 4, 5 and 6 as a member of ELDC

b.      Cllr. AL – items – items 4, 5 and 6 as a member of ELDC and planning applications 7 and 8 as business neighbours, 11 as a residential neighbour, and 12 and 20 as known to him.

c.      Cllr. DJEH –  items 4, 5 and 6 relating to ELDC and its Planning Committee

d.      Cllr. DH – planning application 14 as a Director of Kidgate Primary Academy. Having been involved in the application, he would leave the room when discussed.


P87.         Minutes
It was RESOLVED that the notes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 5th April 2022 be approved as the Minutes.


P88.         Applications received by the Local Planning Authority

The Committee considered all planning applications received, including those listed on the schedule (PA/Schedule 05-10-22) and RESOLVED as follows:

a.      N/105/00342/22, Willberry, 35 Stewton Lane – objected to this application on the grounds that it had concerns about flooding and access and highway safety.  It noted that the adjacent balancing ponds are higher than the site and these have never been maintained, the mechanisms now not working as they are overgrown.  Further, it considered that the drainage and surface water plans are not clear and the access allows very poor visibility onto Stewton Lane raising concerns for pedestrians and other road users.  Finally, the Council wondered why, when management agreements come to an end or development companies fold, does responsibility for management of these ponds not fall back on ELDC as the planning authority?

b.      N/105/00613/22, 1 Grosvenor Road – objected to this application the grounds that the proposals overcrowd such a small tight space and are overbearing, constituting over-intensification and garden grabbing.  The Council asks that the ELDC Ward Councillor, Chris Green, please call the application in.

c.      N/105/00614/22, 31 Edward Street – objected on the grounds that these proposals constitute garden grabbing and the access on a very poor unadopted private road or onto South Street is very bad.  Further, the Council felt that the garden should be preserved with the house which is located in a very prominent area and is highly visual in the West curtilage of Louth.

d.      N/105/00806/22, Lindsay House, Westate – supported this application but was concerned that some or all of the parking spaces should not be allowed to be used commercially by people working in the town instead of by residents.  The Council did not wish to see this commercial type of use in this special area of the town in the conservation area.  Further, it wished it be ensured that any vehicles exiting the site should do so in a forward gear and it felt strongly that any permission granted should be augmented with a condition limiting the use of the spaces to residents and their visitors only.

e.      N/105/00805/22, The Limes, Westgate – supported this application but was concerned that some or all of the parking spaces should not be allowed to be used commercially by people working in the town instead of by residents.  The Council did not wish to see this commercial type of use in this special area of the town in the conservation area.  Further, it wished it be ensured that any vehicles exiting the site should do so in a forward gear and it felt strongly that any permission granted should be augmented with a condition limiting the use of the spaces to residents and their visitors only.

f.       N/105/00820/22 Land to north of Julian Bower – objected to this application as it felt that conditions are imposed on planning applications for a reason and these should not be allowed to be varied.

g.      All other applications were supported.


NB: Cllr. DH left the meeting during the discussion for PA14 7:25pm returning at 7:26pm.


P89.      Planning Correspondence
The Council noted the following planning correspondence:

a.      ELDC Planning Decisions

i.     Approved – N/105/00248/22 Planning Permission 125 Eastfield Road – LTC supported with concerns

ii.     Approved – N/105/ 002036/21Planning Permission – 31 Stewton Lane  – LTC supported

iii.     Approved – N/105/00270/22  Planning Permission – 12 Seymour Avenue  – LTC supported

iv.     Approved – N/105/ 00290/22 Planning Permission – 6 High Holme Road  – LTC supported

v.     Approved – N/105/00297/22  Planning Permission – 50 Little Lane  – LTC supported

vi.     Approved – N/105/00095/22  Consent to Display – 26-27 Market Place – LTC supported

vii.     Approved – N/105/00094/22  Planning Permission – 26-27 Market Place – LTC supported

viii.     Approved – N/105/00309/22 Listed Building Consent – 28 Westgate  – LTC supported

ix.     Approved – N/105/00308/22 Planning Permission – 28 Westgate  – LTC supported

x.     Approved – N/105/00324/22 Planning Permission – 1 Lydon Way – LTC supported

xi.     Approved – N/105/01310/20 Planning Permission – Eastfield House – LTC objected

xii.     Approved – N/105/02571/21 Listed Building Consent – 3 Market Place – LTC objected

xiii.     Approved – N/105/00071/22 Planning Permission – 53a Victoria Road – LTC supported

xiv.     Approved – N/105/02656/21 Listed Building Consent – 10 Cornmarket – LTC supported

xv.     Approved – N/105/00400/22 Planning Permission – 76 Monk’s Dyke Road – LTC supported

xvi.     Approved – N/10500424/22 Planning Permission – Land adjacent pumping station – LTC supported

b.      Temporary Traffic Restrictions

i.     Location and Nature: Northern Powergrid, Road closure –  Keddington Road/Alvingham Road between 80m & 200m East of Lyndon Way). From 16/5/22-20/5/22

ii.     Location and Nature: ELDC weekly markets – Butcher Lane, Cornmarket, Market Place Car Park, The Shambles 16/5/22-31/12/22 5:30- 19:00 Wednesday and 05:30 Friday to 19:00 Saturday.

iii.     Location and Nature : Anglian Water  Road Closed – Wellington Street between Woodlands and Taverners Court 29/4/22 to 30/4/22

c.      Enforcement
Notice of appeal enforcement now complied with – 3 Trinity Lane


P90.        Proposed Works to Trees
The following tree work was noted:

a.      Location: The Sycamores, 23 Westgate.  Proposal: G1 – 8 no. Leylandii – Remove broken limb and fell damaged tree (as per photos supplied) and fell and remove other trees.  Reasons: G1 – storm damage and risk of further damage due to location, height and condition.

b.      Location: The Rectory, 49 Westgate.  Proposals: T1 – Sycamore – Remove limb on north-east over the footpath.  T2 – Spruce – Remove to ground level.  Reasons: T1 – Cambium damage evident.  T2 – Poor specimen.

c.      Location: 189A Eastgate.  Proposal: T1 – Ash – Repollard 2m past previous pollarding cuts to leave a finished height of 8m.  Remove north-west limb back to main trunk to give an upright, finished pollard.


P91.        Street Naming
Following a request by the developer to name three new roads on phase 2 of the Land South of Chestnut Drive development, as follows: Oak Road, Maple Close, Cedar Avenue it was RESOLVED to suggest instead: Mulberry Close, Juniper Road and Rowan Avenue as there were already similar roads in the town to those suggested or those suggested were not native British trees.


P92.         Next Meeting
The Committee noted that the date of the next scheduled Planning Committee meeting was 14th June 2022.


The Meeting Closed at 8:03pm.




Signed_______________________ (Chairman)                Dated_________________________