
Louth Town Council - Working with the community to make Louth a better place to live and work

Community Resources Minutes 2nd February 2021

02-02-21 CR MINS




Present                                              Cllr. A Leonard (AL) (in the chair).


Councillors:     Mrs. E. Ballard (EB), J. Baskett (JB), M. Bellwood (MB), L. Cooney (LMC), A. Cox (AC), S. Crew (SC), H. Filer (HF), D. Ford (DF), J. Garrett (JG), D.J.E. Hall (DJEH), D. Hobson (DH), G.E. Horton (GEH), Mrs. S.E. Locking (SEL), Mrs. J. Makinson-Sanders (JMS), K. Norman (KN), J. Simmons (JS), F.W.P. Treanor (FWPT), Mrs. P.F. Watson (PFW) and D. Wing (DEW).

Councillors not present: D. Jackman (DJ).

The Town Clerk, Mrs. L.M. Phillips and the Town Clerk’s Assistant, Mrs. M. Vincent were also present.

NB: The Community Resources (CR) meeting was scheduled before the Governance and Finance (G&F) meeting, but as Cllr. AL (Chair of CR) was held up in Boston it was agreed by vote that it be held after G&F.


248.     Apologies for Absence


249.     Declarations of Interest / Dispensations
Cllr. JS has family members buried in the Cemetery.


250.     Minutes
It was RESOLVED that the notes of the Community Resources Committee Meeting held on 1st December 2020 be approved as the Minutes.


251.     Forward Planning (Interments)
It was RESOLVED to approve a recommendation from the Asset Review Working Group that the Town Clerk be given delegated authority to develop the section (shaded purple on the map) for burial use.  It was noted that the land would benefit from a degree of levelling using machinery and would need marking out.


252.     Garden of Remembrance
Following the Clerk outlining the issues with the current Garden of Remembrance area, it was RESOLVED following a recommendation from the Asset Review Working Group that provision of unmarked plots for the interment of ashes be discontinued once the area currently in use was full or unless already reserved. The burial of ashes would continue in the Cremation Plot areas.


253.          Closed Session Item
It was RESOLVED to move into Closed Session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 due to the business to be discussed in the following item, information being of a confidential, commercial and third party nature in relation to:

a.      Sessions House Fire and Security Repairs – The Council considered quotes and it was RESOLVED that all replacement equipment and installation work be carried out by Chubb Fire and Security Ltd (as an extension of their current contract) in relation to fire extinguishers, emergency lighting and the intruder alarm system at a cost of £5,328.43 – to be taken from the two budgets Minor Maintenance and Cleaning and EMR Accommodation.

b.      Amenity Grasscutting – It was RESOLVED that the Amenity grasscutting contract for 2021-22 be awarded to company 2 (Tudor Grounds Maintenance).  Further, it was RESOVLED that the Council add the amenity grasscutting schedule the footpath which runs from the top of Beck Way to Pasture Drive through to Bradley Close and which also adjoins Florence Wright Avenue.

NB: During item a. Cllr. Mrs. PFW lost her connection and was then allowed back into the meeting at 8:15pm prior to discussing item b.


254.     Next Meeting
The Committee noted that the date of the next scheduled Community Resources Committee meeting was 30th March 2021.


The Meeting Closed at 8.34pm.



Signed_______________________ (Chairman)                Dated_________________________