
Louth Town Council - Working with the community to make Louth a better place to live and work

Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting 1st November 2022





Present                                               Councillor S. Crew (SC), (in the chair).


Councillors:    Mrs. E. Ballard (EB), J Baskett (JB), M. Bellwood (MB), L. Cooney (LMC), D.J.E. Hall (DJEH),
D. Hobson (DH), A. Leonard (AL), Mrs. S.E. Locking (SEL), Mrs. J. Makinson-Sanders (JMS),
K. Norman (KN) and B. O’Brien (BO).


Councillors not present: H. Filer (HF), D. Ford (DF), J. Garrett (JG), G.E. Horton (GEH), M. Lamb (ML),
J. Simmons (JS). Mrs. P.F. Watson (PFW) and D.E. Wing (DEW).


The Town Clerk, Mrs. L.M. Phillips and the Town Clerk’s Assistant Mrs. M.C. Vincent were also present.


P58.         Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs: HF, DF, JG, GEH, ML, JS, Mrs. PFW and DEW.


P59.         Declarations of Interest / Dispensations
The following declarations of interest were made:

a.                Cllr. Mrs. JMS – items 4,5 and 6 with regards to membership of ELDC.

b.               Cllr. AL – items 4,5 and 6 with regards to membership of ELDC

c.                Cllr. DJEH – items 4,5 and 6 with regards to membership of ELDC Planning Committee.

d.               Cllr. Mrs. SEL – Planning item 4 as a member of the King Edward VI Almshouse, School and Educational Charity – will abstain on voting on this item.

e.                Cllr. Mrs EB – Planning item 4 as Warden of the King Edward VI Almshouse, School and Educational Charity – will abstain on voting on this item.


P60.         Minutes
It was RESOLVED that the notes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 11th October 2022 be approved as the Minutes.


P61.         Applications received by the Local Planning Authority
The Committee considered all planning applications received, including those listed on the schedule (PA/Schedule 11-01-22) and RESOLVED as follows:

a.      N/105/01892/22 Louth Town Council considered this application on 1st November 2022 and wish to object on the grounds that this falls within the AONB.  The proposals constitute garden grabbing and as it has supported ELDC’s decisions not to allow other development along the lane and thus give others access through the lane the Council feels it cannot support these proposals which would increase the amount of traffic on the lane.  Especially, given the fragility of the lane as it stands now.

b.     N/105/00281/21 Louth Town Council considered this application on 1st November 2022 and continue to strongly object as previously (9th November 2021 and 14th September 2021) on the grounds that this application is totally inappropriate for a Grade II* listed property. The gardens were laid down in 1906 by Gertrude Jekyll the famous and celebrated garden designer, the rest is a “Deer Park” of renown. This is one of the most important houses in Louth. It is very close to the roundabout in a 60mph speed limit so could have very poor access problems. The Civic Trust strongly object. There has been no historical assessment. The Environment Agency and the Council are concerned that there are no drainage plans. It can be seen that the land drains downhill towards the river Lud, details of the proposed drainage scheme are a necessity. The property is in the AONB and within the curtilage of the Gertrude Jekyll gardens. The Council is not against progress but feel that it has got to be the right development in the right place. The Council wants the town to flourish, nothing stays the same, everything changes but it is looking after its heritage for the generations to come. Thorpe Hall has been in existence since the 1600’s and it is really important that it is ensured that it be there for future generations and the grounds are integral to the house and history of the site.  The Council would comment that this area is not and has never been a caravan site, all of the local neighbours (8 in total) have objected.  The Council would reiterate the objections made by Deighton Close Hall on 11/10/22 and that by Natural England of 20/10/22 and would confirm that Caravan licensing says the lodges proposed locations are too close together to be given a caravan license should they request one.  Finally, the Council would reiterate that this location is in the AONB and is visible from the area’s local beauty spot, Hubbard’s Hills, also in the AONB.

c.      All other applications were supported.


P62.         Planning Correspondence
The Committee considered the following planning correspondence:

a.      ELDC Planning Decisions

i.     Approved – N/105/01489/22– Planning Permission – 4 Union Street – LTC supported

ii.     Approved – N/105/01568/22– Planning Permission – 56 Horncastle Road – LTC supported

iii.     Approved – N/105/ 01567/22 – Planning Permission – 1 Southfield Houses, Kenwick Road – LTC supported

iv.     Approved – N/105/01607/22 – Planning Permission – Plot59, Bolingbroke Road – LTC supported

v.     Approved – N/105/01183/22 – Planning Permission – 84 Church Street – LTC objected

vi.     Approved – N/105/01495/22 – Planning Permission – 12 Market Place – LTC supported

vii.     Approved – N/105/02321/22 – Planning Permission – Former Louth Wallis House – LTC supported

viii.     Approved – N/105/01465/22 – Outline Planning Permission – 17 Queen Street – LTC supported

b.     Temporary Road Closures

i.     Organisation responsible for restriction: LCC
Reason for restriction: Fireworks
Nature and location of restriction: Road closure Order – B1200 Elkington Road (Between Westgate and A16 Elkington Roundabout), No waiting and loading at any time Order A16 Louth Bypass, B1200 Elkington Road, 40mph speed limit Order – A16 Louth Bypass
Period of restriction: 5/11/22 – 17:00 to 21:00  (Restrictions to be implemented for 1 days as and when required during this period, signage detailing accurate dates and times will be displayed on site in advance) Alternative route or access arrangements: Diversion routes and vehicular or pedestrian access arrangements will be signposted.

ii.     Organisation responsible for restriction: LCC
Reason for restriction: Remembrance Parade
Nature and location of restriction: Road closure Order – – Louth: Upgate, Mercer Row, Market Place, Eastgate, Northgate, Ramsgate
Period of restriction: 13/11/2022 (Restrictions to be implemented for 1 days as and when required during this period, signage detailing accurate dates and times will be displayed on site in advance)
Alternative route or access arrangements:  Diversion routes and vehicular or pedestrian access arrangements will be signposted.


Louth Transport Board / Active Travel Scheme
Cllr. J. Baskett gave an overview of proceedings at the Louth Transport Board meeting which he had attended by Zoom on Tuesday 25th October 2022. Cllr. J. Baskett reported that both Cllr. D.J.E. Hall and Cllr. Mrs J. Makinson-Sanders were also at the meeting. There were 10 people in attendance from LCC including County Councillors and officers and it ran for 1 hour and 20 minutes.

It began with what will be a regular report of highway maintenance and a report of stats broken down into three geographical areas, how many complaints received/solved and ongoing. The Active Travel Scheme in Louth item was next and it was reiterated that LCC would make any decisions as to what would happen in Louth.  Cllr. J. Baskett reported that Mr. C. Miller (who had attended the open meeting at Louth) spoke, giving a brief summary confirming that the parklets would not return to Louth.  Both he and Cllr. H. Marfleet said that the results from the Louth Town Council engagement survey had been very useful: two LCC Councillors felt that the scheme should continue (H. Marfleet and S. Parkin) and one that it should be completely stopped now (A. Hall). The new Engagement Officer attended (Mr. P. Watt) and it would be his job to set out the engagement path in the new year. This might in part be through the LCC portal Let’s Talk Lincolnshire. Cllr. L.M. Cooney was concerned that engagement must not only be online but must also reach out to groups that could not engage that way.


Cllr. D.J.E. Hall reported that LCC were very pro pedestrianisation of Mercer Row, Cllr. A. Leonard confirmed that Cllr. S. Parkin was also in favour of this. Cllr. J. Baskett continued that Cllr. S. Parkin recommended two documents should be read by all those on the Transport Board:

·        The Pedestrianised Town (how to revitalise cities and towns) and

·        LT121 – an outline of what type of projects and costs the Active Travel Scheme funding covered.

Cllr. J. Baskett pointed out that not many people understood what the Active Travel Scheme was, basically less cars, pedestrianisation, cycling and configuration of reducing parking.

Cllr. L.M. Cooney questioned where the report was that Mr. C. Miller had said he would send by the end of the week following the meeting, it now being over two weeks since the meeting?

Cllr, J. Baskett continued that LCC needed to be realistic in terms of what people want, and Cllr. L.M. Cooney thought that the LTC engagement survey had given a good indication of what the people wanted.

At this point it was proposed and seconded that the Council went into Closed Session: It was RESOLVED to go into Closed Sessions in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 due to the business to be discussed in the following items, information being of a third party and confidential nature.


It was RESOLVED to come out of Closed Session.

Cllr. J. Baskett confirmed that the Active Travel Scheme Tranche 4 consultation would take place after Christmas and said that it had been made clear at the meeting that LTC Councillors had to go through LCC Councillors with any complaints or suggestions.


Cllr. AL opined that Cllr. Sarah Parkin should attend an LTC meeting and asked to explain why she had still backed the Active Travel Scheme when the majority of people are against it?

Cllr. J. Baskett concluded on this item that he had asked the Louth Transport Board if LTC, the District Council and the County Council could work together on this project and no answer had been given, which he feared was a bad sign.

Cllr. Mrs. J. Makinson-Sanders confirmed that she believed ELDC would work with LTC.


Cllr. J. Baskett reported briefly on the hope for improved bus services.  Also, the group had been advised regarding residents’ parking, that anyone with an issue should contact their local County Councillor.


P63.         It was noted that the date of the next scheduled Planning Committee meeting was 22nd November 2022.



The Meeting Closed at 8:13pm.





Signed_______________________ (Chairman)                Dated_________________________