
Louth Town Council - Working with the community to make Louth a better place to live and work

Minutes of the Planning Committee 22nd November 2022

11-22-22 PLAN MINS





Present                                               Councillor S. Crew (SC), (in the chair).


Councillors:    Mrs. E. Ballard (EB), J Baskett (JB), M. Bellwood (MB), L. Cooney (LMC), D.J.E. Hall (DJEH),
D. Hobson (DH), G.E. Horton (GEH), M. Lamb (ML), A. Leonard (AL), Mrs. S.E. Locking (SEL), K. Norman (KN) and B. O’Brien (BO). J. Simmons (JS). Mrs. P.F. Watson (PFW) and D.E. Wing (DEW).

Councillors not present: H. Filer (HF), D. Ford (DF), J. Garrett (JG) and Mrs. J. Makinson-Sanders (JMS).

The Town Clerk, Mrs. L.M. Phillips, the Town Clerk’s Assistant Mrs. M.C. Vincent, Sergeant Kelly Palmer and PCSO Jo Drake were also present.

  • Apologies for Absence
    Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs: HF, DF, JG and Mrs. JMS.
  • Declarations of Interest / Dispensations
    The following declarations of interest were made:

    1. AL – Planning item 6 as a Trustee of the King Edward VI Almshouse, School and Educational Charity and item 7c as known to the applicant.
    2. DJEH – items 5, 6 and 7 with regards to membership of ELDC Planning Committee.
    3. Mrs. SEL – Planning item 6 as a member of the King Edward VI Almshouse, School and Educational Charity.
    4. Mrs EB – Planning item 6 as Warden of the King Edward VI Almshouse, School and Educational Charity.


  • Minutes
    It was RESOLVED that the notes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 1st November 2022 be approved as the Minutes.
  • Police Presentation
    Sergeant Kelly Palmer and PCSO Jo Drake confirmed that they had been requested to attend the meeting predominantly because of a perceived issue relating to drug dealing. She confirmed that the Police were taking action but she could not divulge details as it would compromise their endeavours.  Councillors reported that some residents were increasingly scared to go out at night in certain parts of the town especially around Park Avenue, St Bernard’s Avenue, and the alleyways off the road as the incidents of drug usage and dealing had increased.   Palmer advised that members of the public could call 999, 101, Crimestoppers or email her direct; she confirmed that if a 999 or 101 call was made it may be that it could not be responded to if the police team were dealing with incidents such as a stabbing, so the most effective way or contacting them was via Crimestoppers or emailing them direct. She urged Councillors to send photos and web cam footage of drug dealing so that they could build up intelligence which would increase the likelihood of an investigation taking place.  Sgt. Palmer explained that although they now had increased policing back to 2010 levels, the type of crime had changed and they now had to deal with much more online crime, grooming etc and so there were not necessarily more police visible to the general public.  Further, new recruits had to be trained and so could not ‘blue light’ until training had been received. She confirmed also that the traffic unit had been set up in Louth as well as Grantham and that speed checking had increased in the area, including Archer surveys.   She reiterated that Councillors should feel free to email her directly with any queries, issues or concerns that they may have.
  • Applications received by the Local Planning Authority
    The Committee considered all planning applications received, including those listed on the schedule (PA/Schedule 11-22-22) and RESOLVED as follows:

    1. N/105/01303/22 – To object as previously on 26th July 2022 due to over intensification in an already saturated residential area also creating further issues with the infrastructure of the town with regards to GP surgeries/schools/dentist etc.  This would also lead to increased traffic in an already very busy area near to road junctions.
    2. N/105/02078/22 – To object on the grounds that what is proposed will create more on road parking in the area and this will compound an existing blackspot for accidents where there is little space and it is already very dangerous. The Council also felt that the proposal constituted garden grabbing and overintensification.
    3. All other applications were supported.


  • Planning Correspondence
    The Committee considered and noted the following planning correspondence:

    1. ELDC Planning Decisions
      1. Approved – N/105/01697/22 – Planning Permission – 9 BECK WAY, LOUTH, LN11 8XH – LTC Supported
      2. Approved – N/105/01661/22 – Planning Permission – 6 St Mary’s Lane– LTC Supported
  • Approved – N/105/01716/22 – Planning Permission – 153 St Bernard’s Avenue– LTC Supported
  1. Approved – N/105/01736/22 – Planning Permission – Land to the Rear Of 42 St Mary’s Lane – LTC Objected
  2. Approved – N/105/01378/22 – Planning Permission – 6 Spout Yard – LTC Objected
  3. Approved – N/105/01605/22 – Planning Permission – Land adjacent Raithby Water Treatment works– LTC Supported
  • Approved – N/105/00378/22 – Planning Permission – 25 Southlands Ave– LTC Supported
  • Approved – N/105/01691/22 – Planning Permission – The Limes, St Mary’s Park – LTC Supported
  1. Approved – N/105/01496/22 – Listed Building Consent – 12 Market Place – LTC Supported
  1. Enforcement
    1. Letter acknowledging receipt of complaint ref 71 Charles Street, untidy land.
    2. Letter acknowledging receipt of complaint ref 73 Charles Street, untidy land.
  • Letter acknowledging receipt of complaint ref Former Wheels, Eve Street, untidy land
  1. Letter acknowledging receipt of complaint The Laurels, Eve Street, untidy land
  2. Letter acknowledging receipt of complaint ref Land East of Eve Street, untidy land.


  • Proposed Work to Trees
    The following proposed work to trees was supported:

    1. Location: 28 Grimsby Road. Proposals: T1 – Copper Beech – Reduce crown by approximately 3-4m in diameter.
    2. Location: 25 Union Street. Proposals: T1 – Holly – Remove.  Reasons: Tree is damaging the boundary wall.
    3. Location: 3 St. Mary’s Lane. Proposals: T1 – Maple – Pollard to approximately 3m to suitable forks.  Reasons: Shading neighbouring property and summerhouse.
  • ELDC Food Festival Working Group
    MB was nominated to represent Louth Town Council on the ELDC Food Festival Working Group. The first meeting to be held is at 11am on Monday 28th November at The Sessions House.
  • Active Travel Scheme
    Councillors received a document containing emails received and sent. This was noted. It was RESOLVED that:

    1. The Town Clerk be given delegated authority to respond answering the three questions posed to it as required using the information supplied in Parts 1, 2 and 3 of the tabled document as a base and confirming that:
      1. LTC do not accept that it has acquired another public function by allowing representatives to attend the Louth Travel Board (LTB). LTC has never been presented with terms of reference for the LTB and has certainly never agreed to any.  It has been made clear at the LTB meetings by LCC that LTC representatives are present on the LTB merely to comment and not to be part of decision making.  All decisions are based on the relevant County Councillors comments.
      2. LTC do not have the legal responsibility to undertake an Equality Impact Assessment in this instance and cannot take on this responsibility for LCC.
    2. That its representatives on the Louth Transport Board should attempt to persuade the LTB to push LCC to carry out the appropriate assessments.
  • It was noted that the date of the next scheduled Planning Committee meeting was 13th December 2022.

The Meeting Closed at 8:05pm.


Signed_______________________ (Chairman)                Dated_________________________