
Louth Town Council - Working with the community to make Louth a better place to live and work

Minutes for the Planning Committee Meeting 10th January 2023


01-10-23 PLAN MINS





Present                                               Councillor S. Crew (SC) (in the chair).


Councillors:    Mrs. E. Ballard (EB), J. Baskett (JB), M. Bellwood (MB), L.M. Cooney (LMC), H. Filer (HF), D.J.E. Hall (DJEH), D. Hobson (DH), M. Lamb (ML), A. Leonard (AL), Mrs. J. Makinson-Sanders (JMS). Mrs. S.E. Locking (SEL), B. O’Brien (BO), J. Simmons (JS) and D.E. Wing (DEW).

Councillors not present: Mrs. P.F. Watson (PFW), J. Garrett (JG), G.E. Horton (GEH) and K. Norman (KN),

The Town Clerk, Mrs. L.M. Phillips and six members of the public were also present.

  • Apologies for Absence
    Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs. JG, KN, GEH and Mrs. PFW.
  • Declarations of Interest / Dispensations
    The following declarations of interest were made:

    1. JMS – agenda items 4, 5, 6 as a member of ELDC.
    2. AL – agenda items 4, 5, 6 as a member of ELDC and PA3 as a business owner in the town, PA8 as an acquaintance of the applicant and PA16 as a neighbour.
    3. DJEH – agenda item 4 as a member of the ELDC Planning Committee.
    4. DH – PA15 as an acquaintance of the applicant.
  • Minutes
    It was RESOLVED that the notes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 13th December 2022 be approved as the Minutes.
  • Applications received by the Local Planning Authority
    The Committee considered all planning applications received, including those listed on the schedule (PA/Schedule 01-10-23) and RESOLVED as follows:

    1. N/105/02268/22 – to object as LTC does not feel that the access and traffic generated, all exiting onto Newmarket, an already overstretched thoroughfare, is acceptable.
    2. N/105/02401/22 – to object on the grounds of garden grabbing, access and highway safety and the amount of traffic that will be generated from the development, all exiting the development onto St. Mary’s Lane. All an unacceptable impact in terms of highways safety and the capacity of the existing highway network.
    3. N/105/02408/22 – to object on the grounds of overintensification, overshadowing, overbearing, loss of light, loss of privacy, no heritage report, strong neighbour objection, design and appearance.
    4. N/105/02419/22, N/105/02420/22, N/105/02449/22 and N/105/02450/22 – to object based on responses to previous applications for this contentious site and would object on this occasion on the grounds of Access and Highway Safety, Traffic Generation, Adequate Parking and Servicing.
    5. DH left the room while discussion on application N/105/02522/22 took place.
      N/105/02522/22 – As a rule, Louth Town Council rejects pvcU in the conservation area. This property is unique and the Council feels that other more appropriate alternatives should be explored in order to retain the properties originality.
    6. To support all other applications. (It was requested that it be noted that 2 Cllrs. voted against N/105/01863/22).
  • Planning Correspondence
    The Committee considered and noted the following planning correspondence:

    1. ELDC Planning Decisions
      1. ELDC Approved – N/105/01984/22 – Planning Permission – 49 Ramsgate, LN11 0NG – LTC supported
      2. ELDC Approved – N/105/01992/22 – Consent to Display an Advertisement – McDonald’s Restaurant, Lincoln Way, LN11 0LS – LTC supported
  • ELDC Approved – N/105/01857/22 – Consent to Display an Advertisement – Plot 5, Lincoln Way – LTC supported
  1. ELDC Approved – N/105/01961/22 – Planning Permission – McDonald’s Restaurant, Lincoln Way, LN11 0LS – LTC supported
  2. ELDC Approved – N/105/01811/22 – Planning Permission – Automate, Upgate, LN11 9HD – LTC supported
  3. ELDC Approved – N/105/02077/22 – Planning Permission – 7 Park Avenue, LN11 8BY – LTC supported
  • ELDC Approved – N/105/00688/17 – Outline Planning Permission – Land off Riverhead Road – LTC objected
  • ELDC Approved – N/105/01447/22 – Planning Permission – 61 Broadbank, LN11 0EW – LTC objected
  1. Temporary Traffic Restrictions
    1. Organisation responsible for restriction: Lincolnshire County Council
      Reason for restriction: Reconstruction of Carriageway.
      Nature and location of restriction: Road closure Order – A631 (Between A157 & a point 200m Northwest) A157 (Between 200m West & 200m East of A631) 40mph speed limit Order – A631 (Between A157 & a point 400m Northwest) A157 (Between 400m West & 400m East of A631)
      Period of restriction: 14/11/2022 – 31/01/2023 Closures 19:00 to 06:30 only. 40mph Speed Limit 24/7.
      (Restrictions to be implemented as and when required during this period, signage detailing accurate dates and times will be displayed on site in advance)
    2. Organisation responsible for restriction: Anglian Water
      Reason for restriction: Emergency – Burst Main repairs
      Nature and location of restriction: Emergency Road closure Order – High Holme Road
      Period of restriction: 21/12/2022 – 27/12/2022
      (Restrictions to be implemented for 5 days as and when required during this period, signage detailing accurate dates and times will be displayed on site in advance)
  • Organisation responsible for restriction: Anglian Water
    Reason for restriction: Tarmac defect replacement
    Nature and location of restriction:
    Road closure Order – Eastgate (Between Nichol Hill & Cannon Street)
    Period of restriction: 05/02/2023 – 05/02/2023
    (Restrictions to be implemented for 1 days as and when required during this period, signage detailing accurate dates and times will be displayed on site in advance)
  1. Organisation responsible for restriction: RA Dalton Limited
    Reason for restriction: Sewer connection
    Nature and location of restriction: Road closure Order – Cordeaux Corner
    Period of restriction: 06/02/2023 – 10/02/2023 08:00 to 17:00
    (Restrictions to be implemented for 5 days as and when required during this period, signage detailing accurate dates and times will be displayed on site in advance)
  • Proposed Work to Trees
    The Committee considered the following proposed works to trees and RESOLVED to support both:

    1. Location: 54 Westgate Proposal: T1 – Holly – Reduce in height from 7m to 5.5m (below BT cable) and trim. T3 – Yew – Reduce from 7m to 6m and shape to clear neighbouring property by up to 1m and to within property boundary to clear footpath and public highway.  T4 – Weeping Ash – Tree stands at around 5m and is declining from its upper crown, remove deadwood and reduce the remaining by up to 1m to give an aesthetic prune.  T5 – Swedish Whitebeam – Tree stands at 10m and has lost a large limb to the rear; reduce the upper crown’s width towards the neighbouring property by up to 2m to compensate for the lost limb.  Broken stub from snapped limb will be reduced by half to remove weight, while avoiding a large diameter cut on the main stem.  T6 – Holly – Reduce by up to 1m in height from 6m to 5m and up to 2m from width to reduce overhang to river.  T7 – Hazel x 2 – Previously coppiced, remove thicker stems to thin generally, likely to equate to 50%, then reduce the remaining to 4m from 6m.  T8 – Holly – Tree has previously lost a leading limb causing a secondary branch to grow in an unnatural direction; tree stands at 7m, reduce its height to 4m to rebalance it.  T9 – Yew x 2 – Two trees standing at 6m, remove ivy and epicormic growth from the main stem then trim the crown by approximately 0.5m all around to round them for aesthetic reasons.  T10 – Copper Beech – Reduce width of garden side of the tree from 6m to 3m.  T11 – Dawn Redwood – Prune or remove branches as required to clear garage building by 1.5m, only side limbs will be removed, no reduction of the main stem will be made.
    2. Location: 1 Temple Terrace Proposal: T1, T2, T3 – Sycamore – Repollard to old stools, approx. 5m.
  • Appeals
    The Committee noted that:

    1. The following refusals by ELDC of planning applications had resulted in appeals being lodged as below and that any representations made by Council in the planning stages had been submitted to the Planning Inspectorate.
    2. If the Council wished to make further comments, modify or withdraw its previous comments it should do so by 23rd January 2023:
      1. N/105/00613/22 – 1 Grosvenor Road, LN11 0BB – Erection of a detached bungalow and alterations to existing vehicular and pedestrian access. Existing garage to be demolished – LTC objected to this application on 10th May 2022 on the grounds that the proposals overcrowd such a small tight space and are overbearing, constituting overintensification and garden grabbing. The Council asks that the ELDC Ward Councillor, Chris Green, please call the application in.
        Councillors agreed that in future if an application required calling in a formal letter should be sent to the District Councillor responsible, requesting such and that they should be asked to copy the Town Council in on their correspondence.

Cllr. LMC left the meeting at 9.37pm.

  1. N/105/00411/22 – 31 Northgate, LN11 0LT – Change of use, conversion of and extensions and alterations to existing shop front and flat to form a single dwelling house. Demolition of existing rear extension, relating to 31 Northgate, LN11 0LT – LTC supported this application.  It was RESOLVED that the Town Clerk should make further representation to the Inspector to confirm that the Town Council supported the application and felt that the proposals were a good design and good use of a bathroom shop which has had the same display in its window for 30 years.  LTC still support.
  • It was noted that the date of the next scheduled Planning Committee meeting was 31st January 2023.



The Meeting Closed at 9.42pm.




Signed_______________________ (Chairman)                Dated_________________________