
Louth Town Council - Working with the community to make Louth a better place to live and work

Minutes for the Annual Town Meeting 18th April 2023


ATM 04/18/23 MINS

Annual Town Meeting 18th April 2023

Held at the Royal British Legion Hall
Chairman – The Mayor of Louth, Councillor Jeremy Baskett

Present – Town, District and County Councillors, Members of the Public and Members of Community Groups.  Total 30.


  1. Welcome from the Chairman, The Mayor of Louth
    Councillor Jeremy Baskett (JB), Mayor of Louth opened by warmly welcoming those present to the 2022/23 Annual Town Meeting of Louth. He stated that the evening would start with the approval of the minutes from the 2022 Annual Town Meeting before giving a brief report on the Council’s year, and hearing presentations from several local community groups and organisations.  The floor would then be opened to those present to put forward suggestions for the future or to discuss any issues they may be concerned about.
  2. Approval of Minutes from the 2022 Annual Town Meeting
    Following a proposal by Mrs. S. Crew, seconded by Mrs. E. Ballard and a vote of those present, the notes of the 2022 Annual Town Meeting were approved as the minutes to be signed by the Chairman forthwith.
  3. Mayor’s Speech
    JB, Mayor of Louth started by saying that he was approaching the end of his mayoral term but had had a fantastic year in office. He attended roughly 64 events which showed that the town had come back from the lockdowns of the previous two years. Cllr. JB stated that he was extremely lucky that the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee fell within his year and that the Council felt it was a good opportunity to brighten the town centre and to promote a celebratory spirit.  He said that the Council obtained Union Flag bunting which he had the pleasure of delivering to shops in the town to decorate their windows to attract custom.  He went on to say that the Council purchased special Platinum Jubilee bunting, which was erected through the town, which he believed gave Louth a great feel to it. To mark this once in a lifetime event, the Council also took part in the nation celebrations, lighting the town’s beacon on the grass outside St. James’ Church, hundreds of people turned out to be part of the celebrations to hear the specially written music for the bugle and bagpipes played;  to hear the specially written song sung by the choir;  to hear the bells of St. James’ being rung to commemorate the occasion and to take part in the wonderful church service that Rev. Cameron Watt presided over in St. James’ Church itself.  Cllr. JB added that he was also in office when Her Majesty the Queen unfortunately passed away, which he described as a very sad occasion, but which provided him the honour of welcoming a new King and being part of the Town’s events to celebrate his Coronation.  He went on to mention some of the memorable events he attended as Mayor, the first being the funeral of twice Mayor and popular Councillor Fran Treanor and expressed the honour he felt representing the Town Council at his funeral.  He went on to mention the beautiful sensory garden he opened at St. Barnabas Wellbeing Centre that supports end of life care; the Navigation Canal Cultural events at the Riverhead, including live music, entertainment, paddleboarding,  a heritage walk and Zero Degrees Arts Festival;  the visit and tour around St. Bernard’s Special School that provides support for pupils with special needs from ages 2 to 21;  the visits to local care homes, which in one case included a quiz on rationing during the Second World War. The Christmas Tractor Run of Louth and surrounding areas, with 118 tractors travelling through the town and villages raising money for the Lincolnshire Rural Support Network.  Cllr. JB said that everyone had been friendly, happy and enthusiastic and that he had personally been blown away by the kindness of the people of Louth and the support he had received.  He said that the strength of local communities behind the scenes was truly amazing.  He went on to give background into the Council, stating that it is comprised of 21 Councillors who work across the town, which is divided into seven wards with three Councillors for each ward.  He stated that Councillors do not receive any financial reward and give their time freely, and thanked his fellow Councillors for all the work they have done this year as well as in the past.  Cllr. JB stated that the council works closely with other local authorities such as the police and The Environment Agency and that Councillors are widely involved in all aspects of the community, acting as representatives on many local groups and organisations.  He said that the Council holds its meeting on Tuesday evenings and that in 2022/23 the full Council met eight times, its Planning Committee met 14 times, its Community Resources Committee met 5 times, its Governance and Finance Committee met 5 times and its Personnel Committee met 5 times.  He continued that most meetings are preceded by a public forum which is an opportunity for the public to speak on agenda items and that Councillors and officers also attend both in person and online at meetings of working groups, meetings with other authorities, charities and associations.  Cllr. JB stated that the Council is there to represent the people of Louth, the population of which is now over 17,000, and so it tries to work closely with ELDC and LCC who generally have responsibility for the bigger issues in the town, and that Louth Town Council operates from the Sessions House which was purchased in 2011.  He went on that the location provides office accommodation for the Council staff and is where Council, working group and public meetings are hosted.  He said that the building is home to the Council’s flag poles where various flags are flown as required and other treasures are housed there such as archives, Town Charters, the Mayoral Robes and works of art.  The Sessions House is visited by schools, twinning groups, art groups and local organisations who are eager to soak up its history.  It is also the host of award ceremonies.  Cllr. JB said that the Town Council is also the custodian of Hubbard’s Hills and contributes to maintenance costs amounting to the sum of £45,000 in 2022/23.  He went on to say that it leases land on which the astroturf pitch is located at London Road to Magna Vitae for a peppercorn rent and provides allotment sites around Louth including on London Road, Mount Olivet and Trinity Lane.  It also looks after the War Memorial and now organises the Remembrance Parade each year.  It owns or assists with the upkeep of many litter bins, benches, information boards and bus shelters around the town and owns the 7 hand carved wooden town signs which stand at the entrances to Louth.  JB continued that each year the Council ensures the town has a Christmas tree, Christmas lights and the Christmas crib.  It plants summer bedding plants in the planters located throughout the town centre and at other times ensures there are bulbs coming through or primroses to be seen.  It funds CCTV cameras throughout the town centre and this year has arranged for a new camera to be installed in liaison with the police to augment the towns existing coverage.  The Council again undertook grass cutting of the amenity verges all around the town, an area in the region of 68,966m2 on behalf of LCC.  It also provides storage facilities for LANALS and the Louth Museum and it took part in celebrating or commemorating national events and anniversaries, flying the Union flag all through the year and hoisting special flags for other events such as Commonwealth Day.  It again organised the Lovely Louth competition to help beautify the town and awarded winners.  It also organised the Festive Shop Window competition to encourage shoppers to decorate the town over Christmas and awarded the winners.  It also organised the Christmas Decorated Door competition for residents to bolster the community Christmas spirit.  It has in the process of organising a church service for the Mayor to commemorate his year in office.  It discussed and responded to various consultations, the most prominent being that of the Active Travel Scheme around which it also organised surveys for residents and business owners, the results of which were submitted to LCC in an effort to persuade it to reverse the measures it had introduced.  It also hosted a public meeting to allow the residents of Louth and other concerned citizens to have their say with direct access to the officer at LCC in charge of the scheme and it continues to liaise with LCC on this subject.  The Town Council installed two new litter bins at the request of residents, assisted businesses on the industrial estate with solving parking problems, installed a bench by the canal with a plaque paying tribute to key workers and agreed to install a plaque outside the Sessions House for the same purpose.  It is working with ELDC to install new benches.  JB continued that using funding obtained through ELDC the Council installed solar lighting in the Market Place trees, had 50 hanging baskets made and issued them to town centre business for free, purchased and erected new flags and bunting throughout the town centre, bought 4 new benches for use as a stock/to replace some of those already existing around the town, bought 6 new bins for use as a stock/to solve already identified litter problem areas in town, bought 7 silver birch trees and had these planted in Hubbard’s Hills in a circle (as per the national guidelines) to commemorate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, one for each decade of her reign.  Cllr. JB said that the Council organised an extra round of weed killing on the streets of the town centre, bought new planters, printed tourism leaflets, had tourism information boards made regarding the War Memorial and Browns Panorama and displayed these in the town on various occasions throughout the year and will have cemetery information boards also made and installed in future.  The Town Council also met with Magna Vitae and ELDC representatives to discuss concerns surrounding Magna Vitae’s withdrawal from the management of London Road Pavilion. Cllr. JB said that the Council is liaising with ELDC over concerns with their proposals to place a new 3G football pitch on the site of an existing grass football pitch at the Meridian Leisure Centre, and made comments on 158 planning applications as well as traffic regulation orders and proposed works to trees, street naming, planning enforcements and planning appeals.  He said that the Council ensured that properly prepared and approved accounts were submitted and assessed the risks to the public money that it oversees, appointing a competent independent internal auditor and ensuring that the figures were available for inspection by the general public.  Cllr. JB continued that the Council collated annual budgets ensuring that the portion of funds collected from the public for its use was increased only minimally by 0.1%.  It gave grants to a number of organisations as part of the Council’s formal grant giving process, assessing and making resolutions on applications received.  It contributed £1,000 to Citizens Advice Lindsey to assist them in their work.  He said that the Council continued to hose the Community Payback Team and continued to cultivate the Meridian Meadow area and the Meridian Orchard which is a community initiative (which contains 26 apple trees, all species native to Lincolnshire, 2 blackcurrant bushes and a mulberry bush) while also promoting bio-diversity in conjunction with the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust Officer.  It pays for the running costs of the Parish Clock and external lights at St. James’ Church and said that the Council endeavours to support the Church and its efforts in the community wherever it can.  JB stated that going forwards in 2023/24, the Council looks forward to welcoming new members following the forthcoming elections on 4th May, and that it will continue to cut Louth’s amenity grass, will continue to liaise with LCC on the Active Travel Scheme as well as other issues like highways, bus services and libraries.  It will also continue to work with ELDC’s Vital and Viable team to enhance the Town Centre and other departments for the benefit of Louth.  JB stated that work will begin in the cemetery, undertaking an audit to provide projections of actual service demands and from that will investigate extending the cemetery with the possibility of upgrading the cemetery chapel.  He continued that it will also consider how its assets are used and the possibility of adding new services such as establishing a new area at the cemetery for the scattering of ashes.  He said that the Council will look to continue discussions with both ELDC and LCC on other matters of local importance such as public open spaces, and that the Council recognises that the coming year will bring many challenges for the community especially with the rising cost of living, but the Council will continue to work for the benefit of residents to ensure improvements are made to serve the community.

    Cllr. JB finished by welcoming the first of the presenters, Reverend Cameron Watt.

  4. Presentation: Cameron Watt on the Team Parish of Louth
    Reverend Cameron Watt introduced himself as the priest in charge of the Parish of Louth, which consists of St. James’, St. Michael’s, and the Trinity Centre, plus Welton le Wold and Stewton outside of Louth and 30 other churches towards the North Sea. He started by expressing that it is a privilege to be in Louth and Lincolnshire, and the iconic St. James’ Church.  He said that the Church’s purpose is to support people during the good and the bad, such as during the Queen’s’ death, as well as events such as concerts hosted by the Louth Choral Society and the Flower Festival, and observed that recently, St. James’ has acted as somewhat of a tourist information service for Louth.  He viewed that whilst Louth is a good town with a degree of affluence, it also has significant amounts of deprivation and poverty.  He said that recently The Trinity Centre has become less of a church and more of a community gospel and that last year the Centre extended 458 food parcels, 65 Christmas hampers, 12,500 meals, 111 gas and electric top up grants and 300 hygiene packs which helped a total of 607 adults, 431 children and 73 dogs, totalling 1/17th of Louth’s population.  He thanked people for their generosity and expressed that the Church’s work cannot be done without them as they do not receive money from the National Church. He also mentioned how they have employed a dementia worker, a child, youth, and family’s worker and co-ordinated the Warm-Hubs so that people have a warm space every day of the week, which will be continued into next winter due to the costs of energy for heating people’s homes.  The Reverend explained the Church’s initiative on teaching people how to cook the food given to them from the community larder and that the Church has been providing people in need with slow cookers and air-fryers to help break the cycle of dependency on ready meals in the hope to improve people’s quality of life.  Other Church initiatives mentioned by the Reverend were their Veterans Breakfasts, the Bro-Pro Mens Mental Health Group, their flu vaccination clinics, their housing support grants, Age UK, addiction support group We Are With You, Memory Matters for dementia support, Shine mental health group, Sensory Services for the deaf, friendship walks taking place every Wednesday, craft groups, and the Nightlight Café for those who may be having a mental health crises.  The Reverend closed by saying that it is a privilege to be serving the community of Louth, that the Church sees it as their gospel imperative to help people and that as a deacon he is called first to serve, secondly to celebrate.


Presentation: Louth Run for Life secretary Kerry Foster
Kerry introduced herself to the meeting as the secretary for Louth Run for Life, a committee of volunteers raising money in aid of cancer research.  She said that the idea of having a race to raise money for cancer research that was specific to Louth came about around 17 years ago from the Louth Athletic Club after runners found it difficult to partake in the official Race for Life races in Boston, Cleethorpes and Lincoln, and was backed 100% by the Cancer Research charity.  Kerry stated that the Louth Run for Life had raised just under £16,000 for Cancer Research, and in 2022 alone the charity raised £48,000 from the entry fees for the race, sponsors, and donation stations held regularly around Louth.  Kerry explained that the Louth Run for Life is a totally independent group of only 20 people who work together closely and with the town, and that the only real cost they have is for the first aid and medals for the races; everything else raised is donated to vital cancer research. She thanked the local business owners of Louth for their continued generosity.  Kerry described a charity ball held during the year which raised £6000, and a new event to turn the lights at St. James’ Church pink during October, which is breast cancer awareness month.  She said that to do this, she would need sponsors, and hopes that the majority of businesses in Louth would take part.  She ended by saying that Louth Run for Life is ultimately a small committee of people who want to make a difference, not only to the area of Louth but to everyone affected by cancer.


Presentation: Lincolnshire Wolds Riding for the Disabled

A trustee from the Lincolnshire Wolds Riding for the Disabled introduced herself and explained that the group is under the umbrella of the national organisation Riding for the Disabled.  She said that the Lincolnshire Wolds Riding for the Disabled group is based at Kenwick Park in Louth, and that they have both an indoor and outdoor riding school, paddocks, and four horses of their own.  She said that they try to keep costs down and that during the 30 years of the group, they have had no paid staff.  She stated that the work the group does is very rewarding, and that riding is very emotive for disabled people, who get so much joy from the activity.  She said that there are 30 participants of the group who partake in riding and driving sessions, and that these participants come with carers and parents who are able to have a break whilst the participants can socialise.  She continued that they are currently hoping to start fundraising for ‘Tea with a Pony’ this year, a session in which people with dementia can come and pat horses and enjoy tea and cake, whilst allowing their carers to take a short break. She said that the volunteers for the group are very dedicated, that they work all year round including through the winter cleaning out the paddocks.  She also said that the group sometimes goes on excursions to Clwyd Riding Centre in Wales with users, to give carers a break and to give the opportunity to participants to enjoy a break away.  She mentioned the groups riding simulator, which they funded from £50,000 of donations, and have since been able to offer the simulator out to others, such as able-bodied people, to raise money for the Lincolnshire Wolds Riding Group. She finished by saying that the group is always looking for more volunteers.


Presentation: Louth Athletics Club

Sue Murfin introduced herself as a coach involved at the Louth Athletics Club for 20 years.  She described it as a community group providing people of all ages and abilities to train with coaches in a safe environment.  The Club allows people to take part in outdoor track and field events, road running, and cross country during the winter.  She said that the juniors of the Club fortunately have the opportunity to go indoors to use the training facilities one day a week during the winter with thanks to the King Edwards Grammar School, allowing them to train for ‘sports hall athletics.  Three members of the Club represented Lincolnshire at an event in March, and others competed in Club held events such as the Wolds Dash, which runs once a month during the summer months and acts as a fundraiser for the Club.  She said that the Club is a member of the Lincolnshire Athletics Association, and prior to the pandemic, the Louth Athletics Club would hold individual cross-country relays and races, which they hope to reinstate one day to help promote the club and attract new members.  The club is also involved in the Louth Run for Life and provide marshals for the race.  She stated that the Club owns their own ground situated on London Road and has a 400m running track and an area for cross country running.  The Club is hoping to reinstate an area for long jump, triple jump and a shotput circle and are appreciative to Louth Town Council for their grant given towards this and stated that the Club is also doing some fundraising themselves.  The Club is currently hoping to start refurbishing their long jump facility and have key elements of it ready to construct courtesy of Club members volunteering their labour to install it to England Athletics Standards.  She stated that as soon as the facilities are up and running within those standards, they will be opened to schools and any other organisations or groups who wish to use them.  She finished by saying that the Louth Athletics Club has produced athletes that have competed in county championships in Derbyshire and that they hope to carry on producing more successful athletes.


Presentation: Louth Navigation Trust

Mr. A. Stratford introduced himself as the treasurer for the Louth Navigation Trust (LNT), and extended apologies from the chairman, vice chairman and secretary of the group for their absence.  He gave a short history of the group, stating that it was formed in 1986 after a public meeting in the town and has gradually built up over 200 followers and supporters, many of which have been there since the group’s inception almost 40 years ago.  Mr. Stratford stated that the group has three aims:

  1. The preservation and restoration of what was left of the Navigation, which opened in 1770 and closed in 1924 after the Louth Flood of 1920. The first thing the LNT was able to do was to try to secure the structures left in the town, the warehouses at Riverhead and along the canal, as well as four nationally unique structured locks.  He explained that they lost two of the locks that are listed buildings; Top Lock and Keddington Lock, but that Lindsay Marsh Draining Board have created a design and structure for a stone barrier to restore the level of water to what it was, so that the old river can still supply water to Alvingham Water Mill.  He said that Ticklepenny’s Lock was also threatened due to the water going over the sill which eroded a bed of the rock and that the walls were in danger of collapse, but that the LNT have reinstated the floor with concrete to stabilise and will continue to work on it with professionals such as the Waterways Recovery Group alongside volunteers who plan on doing expert restoration work in August.
  2. The education and heritage of the canal. Mr. Stratford mentioned the ongoing history project that the LNT currently has with Stuart Sizer. He also said that LNT’s website has a lot of information and history of the canal.  He stated that, on the educational side, members of the trust have been giving talks to a wide variety of groups in and around Louth, including a presentation given to a blind group in Grimsby.  He also said that the LNT give guided walks along the Riverhead, where schools are regular visitors.
  3. The improvement of leisurely and recreational uses of the waterway. Stratford said that the LNT are currently heading an access project, which is to encourage access to the canal and improve the footpath along the side of the canal.  He continued that the LNT has installed mile posts and finger posts along the canal and have published several walking brochures and have hosted walks down the canal.  The group and canal are part of the Lincolnshire Outdoors Festival, and the LNT are organising three walks for the festival: one in Tetney; one around Alvingham and a lily walk from Tetney to Louth.  Mr. Stratford said that Lockdown provoked an unexpected spike in interest in the canal, and that more people were taking advantage of the footpath, which is now regularly used.  He said that there have recently been two new information boards introduced at Keddington and Tilting Weir.  He went on to say that water activities such as paddleboarding and canoeing have become popular but are not helped by the Tilting Weir not working due to insufficient water depth, so the LNT have purchased stop logs to install and raise water enough for people to paddleboard and canoe.  He went on to explain that there had been several art exhibitions and music festivals at the Navigation Warehouse, including Culture on the Canal to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the Canal in 2021, as well as the Folk on the Water Festival on the 2nd July as part of the Zero Degrees Festival.  He said that there are also monthly events displayed on the LNT’s social media.

Mr. Stratford said that the most promising developments for the group included the formation of a multi-agency partnership, in which the LNT were joined by Louth Town Council, East Lindsey District Council, Lincolnshire County Council, Anglian Water, the Environment Agency and Inland Waterways Association to promote the canal corridor, recreation and water activities along the canal and to transform the footpath into a proper multi-user path which can give wheelchair access and link to the national costal path.  Mr. Stratford went on to say that more information is on the LNT’s website and Facebook page, and that there are plenty of opportunities for volunteers to take up regular monthly or fortnightly workdays at the lock, as well as plenty of opportunities to help with upcoming events.  He ended by thanking the Town Council for its support over the years, and its latest offering will allow the LNT to install a proper notice board on the Navigation House to keep the public informed.


Presentation: 13+ Project
Mr. Pocklington introduced himself as a member of the 13+ Project, which is a small charity based at Louth Youth Centre.  He explained that the group does a number of things, delivering projects and services between two groups, the first providing social activities for young people with autism and the second providing help for young people with mental health issues.  He said that with Co-op funding, they are also now able to provide a 55+ Project for older people and are having a Coronation watching party on the 6th May.  He said that the Project have lots of events at the Youth Centre at Park Avenue and that they also have a garden club on a Thursday morning, where people tend to the grounds.  He said that although the 13+ Project is not currently providing a drop-in service for young people, they are hoping that the YMCA will soon deliver a Friday night session for them.  Mr. Pocklington expressed that the Project is short of trustees who are willing to take responsibility for running the youth group and stated that, even though it sounds straightforward, it is a big commitment.  He further stated that the group run a community centre for the younger people in the community and that eight other groups use the centre on a regular basis.  He ended by thanking Lincolnshire County Council for replacing all of the windows in the building, and mentioned to the Council present that the bus shelter outside of the youth centre is in bad condition.


Presentation: Lighthouse – Mark Harrison
The presenter started by explaining The Lighthouse, stating that the building the group resides in previously belonged to a youth club that ended over five years ago, leaving the building empty and after talks with the Louth Methodist Church who owned the building, the presenter suggested it should now be used as a drop-in centre for people in their 20s-40s.  He stated that when they first opened the centre, it was very quiet at first and that its main users were older people, but they slowly built up their community by serving meals and sending food parcels.  He explained that during lockdown The Lighthouse kept in contact with people by delivering food parcels and toys alongside the Salvation Army and helped people with mental health issues.  The presenter said that The Lighthouse is open every Wednesday and Friday 10am – 2pm and that they provide meals every Friday which at least 40 people attend every week.  He said that the volunteers for The Lighthouse are people who have issues themselves and are usually unemployed but still want to be a part of helping others.  He explained that the group collect clothes and bedding to support the homeless, which they also send to homeless shelters in Grimsby and Mablethorpe.  He stated that The Lighthouse group work with Bernados and Carers First and have also started the cookery group Easy Cook after the group sent out food parcels, but some people did not know how to cook the ingredients included.  The presenter said that The Lighthouse group does not charge for its services as they want to support people mentally, particularly people who are grieving.  He went on to say that the grant given by Louth Town Council has helped a member of The Lighthouse group to go on a bereavement counselling course. He read a statement from the member, stating: ‘Since September I have been attending Ridgeway College in Lincoln fortnightly and have been working towards their level 2 and 3 Counselling Skills qualification. This has been made possible by the Louth Town Council grant received by The Lighthouse. The counselling skills course is very practical and involves lots of group discussions and practical skills. Consequently, I feel more confident in my communication skills, and I feel more able to respond appropriately to those in a crisis who may be struggling through different emotions. As part of this course, I have been developing as a person and have learnt new skills relevant to my helping role at The Lighthouse. For instance, I have become more self-aware, which is essential for being a good listener, and have a non-judgemental and empathetic and accepting attitude towards the people I meet at The Lighthouse’.  The presenter ended by thanking the Council for their support.

It was also noted by JB that St. Kelly Palmer from Louth Police was unable to attend and give her expected presentation but asked that JB reiterate to the attendees that Louth Police’s current priorities are anti-social behaviour, drug use, scams and fraud, and that people with any concerns on those issues are able to report them to a direct email address which can be provided by the Town Clerk.


  1. Further remarks from the floor
  2. One member of the public commented on the format of this year’s meeting, saying that it had been better than it had been previously, that he had learnt a lot about the organisations in the town and that he felt that Louth is selling itself short and not blowing its own trumpet enough. He also said that he felt that not enough people in the town know about the organisations that had presented at the meeting and that if they were to reach a wider audience, Louth would be an even better place.
  3. A gentleman spoke agreeing with the previous commenter.  He said he had learnt a lot this evening.  He had found the evening fascinating and it was interesting to hear about the local goings on.  He said that he thought it was fantastic and that people needed to hear more about local groups.  He stated that he wanted to raise the issue of Louth Town Property Partnership which could help to combat empty spaces and wanted to know whether Louth Town Council would be interested in collaborating with the intent of purchasing properties collectively alongside ELDC and other potential partners.  The gentleman agreed to email more information to the Town Clerk for the Councils consideration.
  4. A woman registered her concerns at the number of mature trees that had been lost in the town, particularly near the canal. She said that the loss of habitat had meant birds were not frequenting as significantly as before. She wanted her concerns to be passed onto planners and organisations.
  5. A lady commented that the town should be proud of itself and how much it has going on.
  6. A lady extended thanks to the Louth Wombles for cleaning the streets of Louth voluntarily for years.
  7. A woman commented that the current government initiative for affordable bus fares is not advertised sufficiently throughout the town.
  8. Meeting End
    JB ended the meeting by thanking everyone for coming, thanking the speakers and thanking everyone for all they do for Louth.

    The meeting closed at 8.26pm


Signed____________________ (Chairman)_             Dated______________



Councillors:    Mrs. E. Ballard (EB), A. Leonard (AL), Mrs. J. Makinson-Sanders (JMS), S. Crew (SC), J. Baskett (JB), D.J.E. Hall (DJEH), J. Simmons (JS), M. Bellwood (MB), H. Filer (HF), Mrs. P.F. Watson (PFW), L. Cooney (LMC), P. Starsmore (PS), L. Frost (LF), D.E. Wing (DEW).


Other:              Alex Hall, Cameron, James Pocklington, Stuart Watson, James and Nadia Baskett, Bridgett Baskett, Kevin Norman, Ros Jackson, Karen, Run for Life, Andrew Stratford, Julie Barnet, Louth Navigation.