
Louth Town Council - Working with the community to make Louth a better place to live and work

Minutes of Planning Committee 14th September 2021




Present                                                Councillor S. Crew (SC) (in the chair)


Councillors:       J Baskett (JB), M. Bellwood (MB), H. Filer (HF), D. Ford (DF), J. Garrett (JG), D.J.E. Hall (DJEH), D. Hobson (DH), D. Jackman (DJ), A. Leonard (AL), Mrs. S.E. Locking (SEL), Mrs. J. Makinson-Sanders (JMS), K. Norman (KN), J. Simmons (JS), F.W.P. Treanor (FWPT) and D.E. Wing (DEW).


Councillors not present: Mrs. E. Ballard (EB), L. Cooney (LMC), A. Cox (AC), G. Horton (GEH) and

Mrs. P.F. Watson (PFW).


NB: Cllr. DJ left the meeting at 8:47pm.


The Town Clerk, Mrs. L.M. Phillips and the Town Clerk’s Assistant, Mrs. M.C. Vincent were also present.


P26.         Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors: Cllrs. Mrs. EB, LMC, AC, GEH and Mrs PFW.


P27.         Declarations of Interest / Dispensations
The following declarations of interest were made:

a.      Cllr. Mrs. JMS – items 4, 5 and 6, as a member of ELDC.

b.     Cllr. AL – items 4, 5 and 6, as a member of ELDC.

c.      Cllr. DJEH – items 4, 5 and 6, as a member of ELDC and its Planning Committee.


P28.         Minutes
It was RESOLVED that the notes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 17th August 2021 be approved as the Minutes.


P29.         Applications received by the Local Planning Authority

The Committee considered all planning applications received, including those listed on the schedule (PA/Schedule 09-14-21) and RESOLVED as follows:

a.      N/159/00281/21 – Thorpe Hall – continued to strongly object to this application on 14th September 2021 on the grounds that this application is totally inappropriate for a Grade II* listed property.  The gardens were laid down in 1906 by Gertrude Jekyll the famous and celebrated garden designer, the rest is a “Deer Park” of renown.  This is one of the most important houses in Louth.  It is very close to the roundabout in a 60mph speed limit so could have very poor access problems.  The Civic Trust strongly object.  There has been no historical assessment.  The Environment Agency and the Council are concerned that there are no drainage plans .  It can be seen that the land drains downhill towards the river Lud, details of the proposed drainage scheme are a necessity.  The property is in the AONB and within the curtilage of the Gertrude Jekyll gardens.  The Council is not against progress but feel that this sort of venture needs to be good quality and has got to be the right development in the right place.  The Council wants the town to flourish, nothing stays the same, everything changes but it is looking after its heritage for the generations to come.  Thorpe Hall has been in existence since the 1600’s and it is really important that it is ensured that it be there for future generations and the grounds are integral to the house and history of the site.

b.     A letter was read out by the Town Clerk from a member of the public who objected to planning application N/105/01561/21 – Land west of Grimsby Road. The application was supported by Louth Town Council.

c.      All other applications were supported.


P30.         Planning Correspondence
The Committee noted the following planning correspondence:

a.      ELDC Planning Decisions

i.     Approved – N/105/ 01422/21 – Listed Building Consent – 69 Eastgate –LTC Supported

ii.     Approved– N/105/01360/21– Planning Permission – 20 Mill Lane – LTC Supported

iii.     Approved – N105/01398/21– Planning Permission – 11 Stainesway – LTC Supported

iv.     Approved – N/105/01674/21– Planning Permission – Couplands Caravans – LTC Supported

v.     Approved – N/105/01419/21– Consent to Display – 27 Market Place – LTC objected

b.     Enforcement

i.     20 Elm Drive – Untidy Land – notice of investigation

ii.     14 Market Place – Untidy listed building – breach has been resolved

iii.     32-34 Mercer Row – Untidy land and building – Section 215 Notice has been issued

iv.     32-34 Mercer Row – Untidy land and building – Details of Section 215 Notice

v.     Hallam’s Close, Julian Bower, LN11 9QN – Change of use of land for Llama trekking business – formal enforcement action is to be taken

c.      Notice To Interested Parties

i.     Formal notice – Tree Preservation Order to be imposed on a False Acacia at Deighton Close

ii.     Tree Preservation Order has been imposed covering The Land at 2, Old Mill Park, Louth

d.     Traffic Regulation Order
Organisation responsible for restriction:  Louth Independent Traders
Reason for restriction:  To Enable Social Distancing (COVID-19) Pavement Café
Location and nature of restriction:  Road Closure Order in place on: Cornmarket
Period of restriction:  Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Sunday every week between 29/3/2021 & 3/10/2021
Closures now extended to finish 28/9/2022
(Restrictions to be implemented as & when required during this period, signage detailing accurate dates & times will be displayed on site in advance)

Organisation responsible for restriction: Sunbelt Rentals UK
Reason for restriction: Gas Connection
Location and nature of restriction: Road Closure Order in place on: Horncastle Road (Between Edward Street and Vanessa Road)
Period of restriction: 25/10/2021 to 29/10/2021 (Restrictions to be implemented as & when required during this period, signage detailing accurate dates & times will be displayed on site in advance)


NB: Councillor DJ left during this item at 8:47pm.


Following this item there was a lengthy discussion regarding the continuation of the road closure in place for the Cornmarket. It was RESOLVED that the Town Clerk would send a letter to Lincolnshire County Council noting Louth Town Council’s concerns that the Cornmarket was remaining closed to traffic for the benefit of just a couple of traders, which was not ideal, and to request that Louth Town Council be included in the decision making process for this road closure.


P31.         Proposed Works to Trees Protected by a Tree Preservation Order
The following proposed Tree Works were noted:

a.      Proposals within the Conservation Area
Location: 82 Westgate.  Proposals: T1 – Leylandii – Fell.  Reasons: T1 – Tree is obscuring the light and view of neighbouring properties.

b.      Proposals affecting trees under TPO (G1)
Location: 10 Old Mill Park.  Proposals: G1 – Sycamore, Lime, Elm and Chestnut – T1 – on plan (Sycamore) – fell.  T2 – on plan (Himalayan Birch) – side prune to suitable growth points.  T3 – on plan (Sycamore) – Crown lift to approximately 3m-3.5m on all sides.  Reasons: G1 – T1 – Crown dieback and evidence of decay.  T2 – To clear building by approximately 1m-1.5m.  T3 – To clear overhanging branches to neighbouring property.


P32.         Lincolnshire Riparian Process Consultation
It was RESOLVED to ratify the response on the above, made on behalf of the Council by the Planning Working Group, to meet LCC’s deadlines.


P33.         Next Meeting
The Committee noted that the date of the next scheduled Planning Committee meeting was 12th October 2021.


The Meeting Closed at 8:58pm.


Signed_______________________ (Chairman)                Dated_________________________